New clients often have never interacted with an investment advisor before, and are not familiar with their rights and the typical onboarding process.
First Contact & Initial Information
Just like your first appointment at a new doctor's office, the first step we take is in collecting current personal information so that we know who you are, how we may contact you, and so forth. You have the option of initial onboarding with a virtual meeting, phone call, or in-person appointment if you're in the area, or a completely independent onboarding where you don't have to have any meetings at all, and all services are done through email and text, whichever method you find more value in.
All personal, financial , and investment information is private and protected, both under Federal Law and State Law, and Merrigold's privacy policy details our own privacy guidelines.
Financial Background & Goals
Next, after we know the basics of each other, we can begin filling in the necessary details, just like a personal and family medical history, but for your finances and other necessary information needed to service your investment needs and goals.

Authorization & Receipt of Important Documents

After we've made a full profile of who you are, what your current financial status is, and what your goals are, we will request your authorization to begin work on your behalf, with a contract called an Investment Advisory Agreement / Contract, that grants us your permission, creates an investment account for you at our firm, and lays out our fees. Additionally, we will provide you with additional documents to ensure full disclosure of both our firm and the advisor that will be working with you, so you have full transparency and trust in us from step one.
Deposit and On-Going Care
After we've dotted all the i's and crossed all the t's and finished with the paperwork, at your convienence you'll securely deposit the amount of cash or other assets you wish for us to manage on your behalf into your newly created account, and we'll begin deploying that account to work toward your goals, given the parameters you've given us.
Afterward, you can expect periodic appointments, communications, and statements updating you on your account, the fees you've paid, any legal filings you're entitled to have, or questionnaires about any potential changes that would affect how your account should be managed.
During management, you can fully withdrawal, deposit, or change investment allocations as you see fit from your account, as we want our clients to be able to access their hard-earned money at their discretion.